Best Performing Antivirus and Internet Security

There are lot of antivirus available in market. And it is really very difficult to choose best antivirus. I did test on 104 most famous antivirus and is the lightest on system memory usage. The test includes Application Launch Time, Boot Time Increase,  Memory usage during Idle, Peak Memory Usage and Installation Size.

Test 1: Application Launch Time
10 launches of a web browser (Mozilla Firefox) were timed. The average in launch time is shown in the graph below

 Increase in Launch Time after install Antivirus

Test 2: Boot Time Increase
Some reboots were performed and the average boot time is shown in the graph below

Increase in Boot Time after install Antivirus

Test 3: Idle Memory Usage
Allow the computer to idle for 10 minutes and then the memory reading is being taken.
Antivirus Memory Usage during Idle

Test 4: Peak Memory Usage
Allow the computer to idle for 10 minutes and then the peak memory usage is being taken.
Antivirus Peak Memory Usage

Test 5: Installation Size
The installation size of each Antivirus program before any updates were downloaded.
Antivirus Installation File Size

If I would to compare between the few giant antivirus brands such as Avast, Avira, Norton and Kaspersky, I’d say that Avast is the best in all. Kaspersky is also light but in the presence of it, Mozilla Firefox takes longer time to open. I think this is because of Kaspersky URL Advisor plugin. If you disable this feature, it will take around 0.84 seconds to lauch.


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