Craete An Undeletable File

With this trick, you can create undeletable file..!

Folder Creation:

1) Open up Command Prompt by typing CMD in RUN.

2) In Command Prompt, type the following:

copy con \\.\""

Important :
The file name should begin with either "LPT3." or "AUX."
For Eg: LPT3.hello.txt or etc.

3) Press Ctrl+Z and it shows "1 file(s) copied."

4) And you are done. Close CMD by typing EXIT.

5) Now try to delete it from windows. It would show "ERROR DELETING FILE OR FOLDER".

Procedure To Remove the Undeletable File:
1) Open up Command Prompt by typing CMD in RUN window.

2) In CMD Prompt type the following:
del \\.\"<>"
and press ENTER.

Eg 1: del \\.\"E:\LPT3.hello.txt"
Eg 1: del \\.\"E:\AUX.see.bmp" etc.

3) And you are done. The file can be deleted now.


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